Resources for Service Providers
Resources for Service Providers
One of Violence Prevention Labrador's primary goals is to establish a communication network among organizations that provide advocacy, service and education on issues of violence and to involve individuals, organizations and communities throughout all regions of Labrador.

Through networking, we can gather and share information, to get an understanding of what communities are doing or have done to overcome the problem of violence. In so doing, we are better able to identify and rectify gaps in services from within communities, while at the same time, identifying resources within our organization and in communities which can be used to improve our response to the problem of violence.
Key Pages for Providers:

  • Documents: This is where you can find or submit pdf items like research documents, pamphlets, educational materials, reports, etc.
  • Links: This is where you can find or submit links to outside websites and resources.
  • Funding Sources: This is where you can find or submit information and links to funding opportunities.
  • Programs/Training: This is where you can find or submit information and links on programs that are available.
The resources presented here are meant to be a "living resource", to be added to over time by VPL and also by you, the service provider.
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